Why the PCH? Why so long? Why so extreme? Why not with a car ?
Because we like to live our life this way: "Take risk, live free or die. If you live your life fully, you will die only once. But if you are scared of every step, fear will kill you day after day. If nothing is certain everything is possible. " This video from another dude gives you a rough idea about what can we expect. Stupidity? Maybe ... or maybe not. We love it ... more freedom, Mother Nature and more independence from the SYSTEM :-) ... if you know what I mean. We feel that our life is "already great" and not only the expectation of living. Read this from our favorite blogger: Leo Babauta at zenhabits.net : How to Wait Less ‘How much of human life is lost in waiting?’ ~Ralph Waldo Emerson So much of our lives are spent waiting. We wait in lines, we wait for the perfect person, we can’t wait for our dreams to come true, we look forward to the day when we have a better body and a better life, we look for ways to make our goals become reality...